Project Update
On The Boards
- Renovations to the Alano Club on Central Avenue in Salinas are being planned. The commercial building was recently purchased by Sun Street Centers.
- Schematic layouts and a 3-D model have been developed to show alternatives to relocate Greyhound into the Salinas Intermodal Transit Center. Greyhound and Amtrak are reviewing drawings. The project is being managed through the Redevelopment Agency for the City of Salinas.
Processing Permits
- The Design Review Board at Pebble Beach Company is expected to approve renovation drawings for Townhouse #4 near the Lodge. Construction drawings are almost done. Groza Construction is the general contractor.
- Construction drawings for 5,000 sq. ft. of retail and office space for Keepsake Diamonds have been turned in to the Salinas Permit Center for their review.
Under Construction
- Construction will start soon for an addition to the “White House” on West Alisal Street in Salinas. The building permit was recently secured.
Recently Built
- Interior renovations at the El Gabilan Library on North Main Street in Salinas are finished. Boronda Construction was the general contractor.
- Most of the renovations at the Community Center at Harden Ranch Apartments in north Salinas are done. This apartment complex is managed by CHISPA.
- The conversion of an historic residence into offices for Yuki Farms, on Rt. 68 near Salinas, is complete. Don Desmond was the general contractor.