Architecture at a Young Age
May 30, 2008, was Career Day at the Vista Verde Middle School in Greenfield, where Jose Gonzalez (CAD manager at TJC) was invited to speak to young students about architecture. In the morning, Jose visited three different classes to give 30-minute presentations.
On his laptop, Jose showed pictures of our projects, 3D models, and examples of the AutoCAD program used to produce these drawings. Typical questions were: “How much money you make?” Do you use math?” How long do you have to be in school?” “What is the biggest project you have done?” They were most attentive to the pictures of custom homes and a shopping center that they recognized. The kids were polite and showed genuine interest in the subject of Architecture.
We would like to thank the staff and students of Vista Verde Middle School for the invitation, their warm welcome, and assistance in escorting Jose around the campus. We would also like to thank Silviana Sanchez, College Facilitator from the University of California Santa Cruz, for organizing this important day for these young students.
More information: Greenfield News Online